The Oneiroid Syndrome
Oneiroids are a rare kind of nightmare-like daydreams that are especially common in patients with paralysis, after serious injury, surgery, or as part of psychosis.
For those affected these dreams feel so real that they can’t distinguish them from reality. Dream and reality are linked together. In particular, patients who need to be artificially ventilated, suffer from oneiroid syndrome. This explains why people suffering from the Guillain-Barré syndrome are most affected.
Based on an interview with a doctor specialized in oneiroid syndrome and the tales of those affected, this project visualizes these daydreams and wants to draw attention to the oneiroid syndrome. A phenomenon that is known little even among experts.
The Oneiroid Syndrome
Oneiroids are a rare kind of nightmare-like daydreams that are especially common in patients with paralysis, after serious injury, surgery, or as part of psychosis.
For those affected these dreams feel so real that they can’t distinguish them from reality. Dream and reality are linked together. In particular, patients who need to be artificially ventilated, suffer from oneiroid syndrome. This explains why people suffering from the Guillain-Barré syndrome are most affected.
Based on an interview with a doctor specialized in oneiroid syndrome and the tales of those affected, this project visualizes these daydreams and wants to draw attention to the oneiroid syndrome. A phenomenon that is known little even among experts. ⋅ +4917650074989 ⋅ Instagram
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